Wednesday, April 30, 2014

10 Lovely Paper Dresses

these dresses are made of paper! Unbelievable! You'd better create lovely paper dresses for your daughter! it's easy!

if you have friends with daughters, share this!

Nonsense Goods?-No! The new odour-eating pants that promise to banish embarrassing smells

99% of the odour vapours become trapped by the pants

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

5 topics you need to know today

1: A bold thief of washing machines

in short

  • 大阪府堺市のホームセンターで28日、不審な男を警備員が見つけた
  • 男はショッピングカートに洗濯機1台を載せたまま店外に出た
  • 洗濯機を車に積み込もうとしたが、警備員が声をかけると洗濯機を捨てて車に乗り込んだ

2: Exclude Japanese actresses in China

in short
  • 中国の国家機関が「成人向け」撲滅キャンペーンをスタートさせた
  • 成人向け作品に出演する日本人女優のツイッターアカウントを次々と削除
  • 新規アカウントが続々と出現し、イタチごっこのような様相を呈している

3: Russia says we won't intrude into Ukraine, but is it true?

in short
  • 米国防長官と露国防相は28日、ウクライナ情勢をめぐり電話会談した
  • 露国防相は、ロシア軍をウクライナに侵入させないことを保証すると表明
  • 米国防長官は、ウクライナへの介入を続ければロシアは一層孤立すると警告した

4: Super TV commercial of NIKE Football

in short
  • 超豪華メンツが登場する、NIKEの新CMが話題となっている
  • C・ロナウド、ネイマール、ルーニーなど、豪華なメンツが集結
  • 「惚れ惚れする」や「カッコいい」など、ネットユーザーから称賛の声が集まっている

  • 香港の俳優アンディ・ラウの、公式サイトをかたる詐欺が問題化
  • 入会手続きの代行と称し、入会金をだまし取るものが横行している
  • アンディのマネジメント会社が26日、声明文を発表した

Travel around the world in 3 minutes

wanna go abroad?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Nonsense Goods-kannon ball launcher for dog

Are you fat, lazy, and have a dog? Then the K-9 Kannon Ball Launcher is for you! Why go to all the work of having to bend down, pick a ball up, bend your arm backwards, then forward in a rapidly accelerating rate, then releasing the ball at just the right time so that it arcs upward slightly yet still moves forward and gains distance, and then have to do it all over again once your dog brings it back? Just use the K-9 Kannon Ball Launcher while you lounge away and drink beer. The launcher, hurls the ball up to 75 feet and is sure to leave your dog with a great workout, and you still fat and lazy

10 Nonsense Quiz - Can you answer?




  1. 4:
  1. Divide 20 by 1/2 and add 10.

  1. 5:
  1. If a doctor gave you 3 tablets and told you to take 1 every half an hour, how long would they last?


  1. 6:
  1. How many sides does a circle have?

  1. 7:
  1. Which country has the 4th of July, England, U.S.A. or France?

  1. 8:
  1. How far can a dog run into a wood?

  1. 9:          
A man built a rectangular house with each side having a southern exposure. A bear came wandering past, what colour is the bear?

  1. 10:        
If you were alone in a deserted house at night, and there was a lamp, a fire, a candle and only one match, which would you light first?
          11:        How many birthdays does the average man have?

Friday, April 25, 2014


she is Zawachin. she can be anyone by her make-up magic. unbelievable.









do you want to know how to make up?
if we get 10000 likes, we will show you how to make up.


Double take surprise

OMG cat


fail animated GIF

applause animated GIF